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News Item #1081
[The Ohio River]
K&I Bridge Targeted for Pedestrian Use
Posted: 9-Feb-2005 1:55AM CST

The mayors of Louisville and New Albany, Indiana are proposing that the K&I Bridge west of downtown Louisville become part of a 14-mile bicycle/pedestrian loop along the Ohio River in Louisville and Southern Indiana. The railroad bridge is owned and operated by the Norfolk Southern railroad. The bridge consists of two sets of railroad tracks—that carry up to thirty trains per day—down the center flanked by auto lanes on either side. The bridge was closed to vehicle traffic after an overweight truck broke through the metal grating of the roadway.

A spokesman for Norfolk Southern expressed concerns over the safety of such a plan.

More information: Louisville Courier-Journal: Letting cyclists on bridge backed (Feb. 8, 2005) [Outside Link]

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Comment posted by Michael Weinert on 23-Mar-2011 9:30AM CDT
THAT would be awesome. I could bike to work!
Comment posted by Michael Weinert on 23-Mar-2011 11:04AM CDT
I'm for it. But my comment does not seem to be recorded.
Updated: 23-Mar-2011 11:04AM CDT

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