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News Item #553
[Commonwealth of Kentucky]
Fatal Motorcycle Accidents on the Rise in Kentucky
Posted: 4-Nov-2003 3:39AM CST

A recent study by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration shows that motorcylce accident related fatalities have risen 58% since the repeal of Kentucky's helmet law in 1998. In 2000, the rate of fatal motorcycle accidents was 8.2 per 10,000 registered motorcycles; that national average was 6.3.

More information: Courier-Journal: Motorcycle deaths rise after helmet-law repeal (Oct. 30, 2003) [Outside Link]

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Comment posted by Janelle Wichmann on 20-Nov-2003 7:22PM CST
I think that this number is far to high. Thus I firmly belive that something needsthere needs to be done. Not only will the driveres of these motorcycles cause serious injuries to themselves, but to bystandards all around. Please send me more info. at 2018 Bluestem Dr. Burlingtion, KY 41005
Comment posted by on 20-May-2004 4:18AM CDT
Comment posted by Paul Sergent on 24-Jun-2004 6:53AM CDT
The amount of motorcyces on the road is far more now than any other time in history.The fatalities sadden me,but were they all helmet related.Were they all licenesd dirvers?Were any cars, trucks,or buses at fault? Did alcohol play any roll in any of these fatalities?Do you honestly believe a helmet would have saved these people?
Comment posted by Lori Bernard on 28-Jul-2004 10:56PM CDT
We are required by state law to wear safety belts in our vehicles with no other options. Vehicles are much safer than motorcycles, so why would the lawmakers allow motorcycle owners have the option of not wearing them. If they are in an accident, their survival rate is going to be much lower if not wearing a helmet. Who pays then? We, as taxpayers pay for more research and appeal cases.
Comment posted by christina ward on 10-Sep-2004 1:34AM CDT
I was involved in an acident not too long ago. It was May,2004. I was driving my car, passing a motorcylist (w/ a girlfriend on the back), when the motorcyclist turned in front of me. He didn't look, signal, or wear a helmet. I watched him die and wished that he would have wore a helmet. He would have lived if he did! I would like to see the helmet laws changed where unless you have a linical excuse, every motorcyclist should ear a helmet, when operating a motorcycle!
Updated: 10-Sep-2004 1:34AM CDT

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