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News Item #621
[William H. Natcher Parkway]
Fletcher Promises to Remove Tolls from Natcher and Audubon Parkways
Posted: 26-Jan-2004 2:37AM CST

In a recent speech to the Owensboro Chamber Commerce, Gov. Ernie Fletcher reiterated a campaign process to remove tolls from the Natcher and Audubon Parkways.

More information: Owensboro Messenger-Inquirer: Fletcher pushes tech center (Jan. 23m 2004) [Outside Link]

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Comment posted by Josh on 6-Feb-2004 3:32PM CST
Well, it's interesting that they NOW talk about removing tolls from these two. Interesting that when the Daniel Boone and Cumberland Parkways were giving federal funding to remove their tolls that KY officials didn't immediatly do the same for the Audubon and Green River(sorry, Natcher) Parkways. I think there was a little bias to remove the Daniel and Cumberland tolls quickly since I-66 would be following parts of or all of the Daniel Boone and Cumberland Pkwys whereas Audubon and Green River wern't likely to even be I-spinoffs of 69 or 65 or 66. Even though both serve a larger city(Owensboro) then Daniel Boone or Cumberland which are primarly rual parkways.
Comment posted by Jeff Carlyle on 7-Feb-2004 3:19PM CST
Well the bias is clear, the Cumberland and Daniel Boone Parkways are in Rep. Hal Rogers' district; the Natcher Parkway and Audubon Parkway are not.

The bonds used to pay for the construction of the Audubon Parkway and Natcher Parkway are not yet paid off; so I am not opposed to them remaining tolled for the time being.
Updated: 7-Feb-2004 3:19PM CST

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