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News Item #1380
I-65 bridge rehabilitation work continues
Posted: 1-Jul-2009 11:13AM CDT

From KYTC Department of Highways:

I-65 bridge rehabilitation work continues
Surface, joints being replaced on two sets of twin bridges in Hart County
ELIZABETHTOWN, Ky. (July 1, 2009) — Work to rehabilitate two sets of twin bridges – over Green River and US 31W – continues along Interstate 65 in Hart County.
  • Wednesday, July 1: Traffic will be pushed down to one lane and motorists can expect long delays while work is done on the southbound bridge over US 31W at mile marker 64.
  • Thursday, July 2: Work will continue on the southbound bridge over US 31W until 10:00 am.
  • Work will restart on Saturday, July 11th for the northbound bridge over the Green River at mile marker 61 at 4:00 pm.
There will be a signed detour following US 31W for wide loads during the construction work.
Motorists are asked to use extra caution and reduce their speed in the area.
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Updated: 1-Jul-2009 11:13AM CDT

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